WhatsApp Messenger is used by millions of people all around the world because of the simple user interface and the easy method of sending messages to one another in different parts of the world.GB WhatsApp apk is an updated version of the normal WhatsApp where you can link the platform with different other social media platforms and at the same time improve the privacy along with customizing the theme for various chatting options. In this particular article, we will be focusing on the GB WhatsApp Apk features that are offered GBWhatsApp.
Gb Whatsapp APK
The GB WhatsApp is a wonderful modification of the normal WhatsApp version which provides new features and also has expanded some of the already existing features which are given by the normal WhatsApp account. You will get the amazing feature to share the document and multimedia files of the format which is not normally supported by the usual version of WhatsApp and will be able to customize the user interface according to your need and Desire.
You will also be able to improve the privacy of the messages that you are sending and receiving either on the WhatsApp groups or also on the personal chat that you are having daily. also, be able to use different types of themes that are available on the internet and integrate them into GBWhatsApp so that the personalized effect can be enjoyed while you are chatting with your loved ones and family members. You can also use personalized ringtones for the people when they are involved in a WhatsApp call or video call with you so that you can identify which person is calling you even before looking at your Android mobile phone.
Features of Whatsapp Gb APK
The premium features which are offered by the latest version of the WhatsApp GB APK are listed below along with their brief description so that all the readers have a complete idea about the offerings of this special WhatsApp platform:
Use customized themes:
In the latest version of GB WhatsApp, you will be able to use different types of themes in WhatsApp which was not possible in the normal version as it was developed by the original company. You will be able to download the different themes available on the internet and integrate them into your gb whatsapp so that you can get a personalized effect and can also make the chatting and video calling session more fun-filled. You can also customize the theme according to your need by implementing the photos and videos of yourself or your friends for increasing the fun and making the process more memorable.
Improved privacy
Most of the users are doubtful about the privacy options of GBWhatsApp, which is why they do not use it. But the developer of this advanced edition of WhatsApp accommodated the features of privacy improvement.
The users’ data are fully secured by the app. No one is allowed to read your messages or watch your gallery. While your messages are encrypted and private. The privacy of sending and receiving the messages along with the calls is much more in this particular version of WhatsApp when compared with normal.
You will be able to hide your online status so that people are not able to make out whether you are still present online or offline along with hiding the double-check option so that any person who has read your message or not can also be kept under confusion.
Customizable user interface:-
The user interface which is provided by the latest version of the WhatsApp GB APK is customizable according to the need and Desires of the person who is using it on their Android mobile phones. You will also be able to change the theme of a particular person and keep the custom theme for the other people so that personalized effects can be gained out of this wonderful platform. You can also change the ringtone for one particular person and keep other ringtones for other people to differentiate the message which is incoming on your Android mobile phone.
Frequent updates:-
This particular version of WhatsApp is famous among people because of the frequent updates which it comes out with so that every person can enjoy it in a better way. You will get the chance to customize the themes and send the messages more entertainingly to create wonderful memories and making the chatting session more interactive. will also be able to send the stickers which are customized and contain the face of yourself or your friends and family members so that the fun factor is increased and at the same time it is made a little different from what the other factors are offering on a normal basis.
The auto-reply feature of the message is regarded as a beautiful feature of the GB WhatsApp. The same feature is absent in the original website of WhatsApp, but the developer included this feature to bring easiness for the users by auto-reply. The users do not need to open a chat to reply to the sender in this mode. They can quickly respond to them whenever they receive a text.
Ability to Hide Read Recipient
Another feature of hiding the read recipient will not allow the opposite person to get information about whether you have received a message or read it.
This feature is also present in official WhatsApp, but the drawback is that when one sends an audio record and the receiver listens to it, the sender knows that he received it.
But GBWhatsApp avoids this drawback, and the sender will never get any information about the receiver.
Ability to Hide Last Seen
The characteristic of hiding is that the other person has no idea about whether you are online or offline. The users can click on the default of enabling the hiding last seen from the setting. The status of Online or typing will not appear above the chat, and the users will not know your or mine status. Not only that users can hide their last seen from a specific contact. The contacts you do not want to know about your phone status, you can mark them in default, enabling you to not recognize yourself.
Ability to Hide Message Delivered
The ability to hide messages delivered to you by allowing this feature the opposite person will retain information about that you are offline. But you can easily read their messages without responding to them, and the sender will not be allowed to know about you and even not about whether you exist online or offline.
Ability to Save Files On your device using GB WhatsApp
Likewise, an official WhatsApp website, GB WhatsApp, also brings the feature of saving photos, videos or documents. But there is no specific limitation for saving such as pictures, videos, and documents into the gallery.
Ability to Send All Files
Some files are not allowed to share through WhatsApp, But with GB Whatsapp you will be able to share any sort of Apk or other extension files through GB WhatsApp without any interruption
Set Group Name Up to 35 Characters
With GB Whatsapp, the users can set their group name up to 35 characters, 12 in the original WhatsApp. This change occurred in the new version and an official version.
Save Status by Clicking On It
To save status in our gallery is a favourable action for such a purpose. Many users download status savers on their phones which sometimes causes many problems with your phone. Because these websites are not fully secured. While WhatsApp itself does not have this feature to save the status of others. Due to this purpose, the developer of GBWhatsApp inaugurated this feature in this improved version.
Now the users of this version do not need to download any other apps for their status saving. They can easily do this in the same WhatsApp by tapping on the status and clicking on the save option.
Ability to Set Status Characters Up to 255
Another major problem that we face in an official WhatsApp is that it gives you the ability to set a status character up to 139.
While in the modded version of this WhatsApp, the users can now set 255 characters in their status. Now your message will become on one level. The users do not require any short synonyms to share their information.
Proficiency in Send Broadcast Up to 600 People
GBWhatsApp allows you to send broadcasts to 600 people rather than 250 people. You can easily share all the broadcasting with just a single click to a large number of individuals at once.
Download Apk File
After the update of WhatsApp messenger, due to some internal default, the WhatsApp cannot download the apk file, but you have to visit the original site by tapping the Apk file.But in GBWhatsApp, the users can easily download their Apk file without visiting any other site while in the same chat, same app, and at the same time, they can easily download it and then install it on your devices.
Differentiate Mod Messages from Broadcasting Messages
The users cannot differentiate between mod messages and broadcasting messages because lack of the feature of separating and differentiating these messages from each other.
But in this version, the features included help users identify the difference between them and repose according to it.
Limited Battery Consumption
The significant difficulty that all users face is that WhatsApp consumes all the battery energy, and users charge it several times a day. Even if you are online but do not open your app, it still consumes your mobile battery.
It sorts out this difficulty because it reduces your battery consumption even if you are online or chatting with your friends. Due to this modern development, many users favor WhatsApp, and they love to use it.
Call Directly from App On the Phone
For the user, it is tough to chat on WhatsApp, but for a phone call, they go to the device’s phone app. And sometimes, while chatting with friends, we receive a phone call due to which we switch to another, but this problem just occurred with the WhatsApp messenger, not in the GB WhatsApp.
In this new version of WhatsApp, the users can call directly on the phone without closing the chat. This complication is sorted out in the modded version for the sake of users’ easiness.
Change the Thick Style and Bubble Styles
Another advanced option of change the thick style or bubble style in your WhatsApp. Eventually, the users download third-party software or website to it change it.
But this fantastic feature is further included by the developer to attract the users’ attention and make it favorable for the users compared to the first WhatsApp.
To Pin Up More Than 3 Chats
This new feature grabs the attention of users. The users can easily pin up the chats of their relatives on the main screen of the phone.
This version allows you to pin more than 3 chats at a time. So, you can chat with your relative simultaneously without losing your movie or anything else. Your conversation will not be interrupted by anything else.
The Capacity of Sending Video Up to 50 MB
The massive situation that the users encountered while sending a video of more than 20 Mb. An official site of WhatsApp also does not support long videos because it does not have that much capacity for sharing long videos.
To overcome this massive situation, the creator launched a modded version of old WhatsApp known as GBWhatsApp, where the users can easily share or send videos up to 50 Mb.
The Capacity of Sending an Audio Clip Up to 100 MB
The issue that everyone faces while using WhatsApp messenger is that we cannot send an audio clip whose size is more than 16 MB.
So to withstand such issues. The users are allowed to join a new version of WhatsApp as GB WhatsApp for the reason to share an audio clip up to 100 MB. This version of WhatsApp supports this feature absent in the mother, WhatsApp.
Ability to Send 90 Images at One Time
When we share images on the mother WhatsApp, it has the capacity of up to 9 or 10 images at a time., But It can share 90 photos at a time. This proficiency of WhatsApp is considered a remarkable feature of this recent version of WhatsApp.
Remove Name and Date While Copying More Than Two Messages
Whenever we share any messages or forward them to others, forward tags appear above the message. Sometimes when we copy more than two messages, the name of the sender and the date of the notice when it was sent occur in it. Which informs others that the messages are copied from others.
So, to avoid this error, GB WhatsApp gives you a chance to easily remove the name and date of the previous sender before sharing or forwarding that message to someone else.
Easily Change the Theme
To change the themes according to your choice. This facility is only present in the GB WhatsApp; the users have this resort that they should select their favorite wallpaper or display of the WhatsApp. In the original WhatsApp, only two themes were included dark and light, but in this advanced version, the users have a variety of themes to change.
Differences Between WhatsApp and GBWhatsApp
- WhatsApp was released in 2009 and was considered the first communicating and freeware app. While it was released after five years of original WhatsApp in 2014, it is regarded as the modified version of the older version.
- WhatsApp has a straightforward interface. It is updated its users on upcoming advanced features. While the GBWhatsApp interface is very complicated and unclear, and users do not know about its update quickly.
- WhatsApp is available on different platforms, including the Google Play Store, App store, etc. At the same time, GBWhatsApp is only available on its original website in the form of an apk file.
- Your deleted messages, status, and images will not appear to you and be deleted by an opposite person on WhatsApp. In GBWhatsApp, the new feature of showing deleted messages, status, and images will quickly appear to you without any trouble.
- WhatsApp allows only one account for its users,With GBWhatsApp multiple account option is available for the users in the modified version.
- The users can share concise files up to 16 Mb, audio clips of 20 Mb, and 35 sets of characters for group naming in an official WhatsApp, while in GBWhatsApp, the users can share 100 MB for Apk files, 50 MB of Videos, and 250 sets of characters for group naming.
- Two significant themes, including dark and light, are included in the original version, and several options are available in the new version.
- WhatsApp messenger is familiar and known around the whole universe and has millions of users, but it is known to a tiny community because of untrusted privacy. It did not win the users’ trust in these years as the mother version succeeded in this way.
- The WhatsApp messenger has to heighten battery consumption but the distinct feature of reducing battery consumption by GBWhatsApp.
Similarities Between WhatsApp and GBWhatsApp
- Both are used for communication purposes.
- Both versions have no monetary costs.
- Both are considered favorable in their usage.
The above are differences and similarities between both versions.
How to Use GBWhatsApp?
The new users have to download the GBWhatsApp file from the official site because it does not have any app in the Google Play Store. After downloading the app, the users could uninstall the original WhatsApp and switch to this modded version of WhatsApp.
The users should click on the side icon bar and click on the setting option to easily enable all the defaults, such as hiding the online status and last seen, choosing your favorite theme, removing the thick or bubble style, and saving your situation.
The users have to permit the app after going to the phone setting and allowing all the permission. With this procedure, the app will be easily installed on your device without creating any trouble for the users. The users admired all the above features of the strange version.
How to Download GBWhatsApp?
question arising in the mind of the users is how to download GBWhatsApp on our devices? The answer to the question is given in the following steps, which will help the users download this version.
- The users should visit their search engine and google or chrome.
- Enter GBWhatsApp in the search bar.
- The official website will be coming up above the pageant. The users should click upon it.
- App file will appear to the users. Their role is to download that Apk file.
- Now go to your phone setting and allow all the permission.
- Back to the apk file and tap on it, and let it be installed on your device.
- Before installing it, firstly, uninstalled the older version of WhatsApp and allowed the modded version to be installed.
- Enter your contact number and agree to all the options.
- Then after making the account, go to the setting and click on the privacy option.
- Now enable all the features on your devices.
Enjoy your GBWhatsApp, and you can also share the apk file with your friends.
How to Run GBWhatsApp on PC?
GBWhatsApp is not accessible for Pc. It is only available for Android devices, but many users want this version for their Pc and tablets. So, the users do not directly download and install the apk file of the modified version on their PC.
But should download the android emulator on their Pc, and then it will allow your Pc to download this new version. The following steps will help you download the above version on your Pc.
- Firstly, the users should download Android Emulator, most commonly the Bluestack, on their Pc. This will help them in downloading the Apk File.
- Now installed it and after installation is completed.
- Search for the GBWhatsApp and open its official site of it.
- Download the apk file of the recent version on your Pc.
- Finally, install it and make your account in it.
- Used it on your PC and took pleasure in it.
The Drawback of GBWhatsApp
The critical drawback of GBWhatsApp is that it is not available in the app or any platform. The users will download its Apk file, but the developer is not giving any guarantee for their data security.
Malware attacks on their device, which snatch all their data and cause trouble in the devices such as hacking and removal of data, etc. due to these reasons, many people feel invalid and uneasy by downloading it. And give priority to the older ones.
But if the developer manages these problems, it will be considered the world’s best version of WhatsApp to download. And they will very confidently use it. And will many users around the globe as compared to WhatsApp messenger.
Final Verdict
The WhatsApp GB APK is a platform that is capable of providing ultimate features with personalized effects so that you can chat in a manner that you have never seen before. In this particular article, we have tried to provide the premium features which are offered by these APK along with the app review so that you do not have to waste any time when you are installing the same on your Android devices. The features like hiding last seen, hiding the online status bar, changing multi themes, removing names and dates from the copied messages, the users can also save the status, the users can see the deleted messages, images, and many more. All of these are recognized as beautiful details about it.
We hope that you would have liked the article. Do mention your doubts and queries in the comments section that we have provided below this particular article so that we can address them in a better way.
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